Empowering women through education and creation of stimulating environment for their personal development and competent participation in social processes.



We appreciate diversity and freedom of choice of every individual, building a culture of accepting the diversity. We open doors and provide opportunities,  always ready to see things from a different perception and perspective. We are proud to have such an abundance of diversity in age, gender, language, religion, worldview, social-wise and nation-wise, which make up for a unique spectrum of our members and beneficiaries.


We advocate cooperation and dialogue in all aspects of our work. We believe that an active exchange of ideas and knowledge is a guaranty for an equitable and balanced development of society. We are dedicated to creating partnerships with different actors in society, trying to always act as a bridge for connecting and bringing opinion together on important issues.


To support a woman on her path to self-realization and to give her wings in moments when she doesn’t dare to step forward is a task we tirelessly work on every day. We help women achieve their human rights and gain equal chances in society. We support the family and promote its values in the spirit of developing partnership and mutual respect.


We believe that making knowledge accessible is one of the biggest civilizational values and  key missions of human existence. Nahla pay special attention to giving opportunities to women of all ages and social classes in building competencies in accordance to the demands of our time, in order for them to be able to change themselves and change the world.


Empowering women in all significant aspects of their lives is our long-term commitment and a value which is woven into all of our  activities. We want each woman to leave Nahla feeling empowered and aware of her value and potential, encouraged to take responsibility and make a positive change in her environment.


For us, excellence is our constant striving to be better at what we do and to answer to high expectations of our users, partners and the community as a whole by being responsible, dedicated, professional and eager to establish the best practices in the fields we work in.


In our educational centers we create a stimulating environment which inspires women to share experiences, engage in new perspectives and use own potential in order to find motivation within themselves in order to change the environment and bring the joy of life in everyday life.




Our educational programs are an opportunity to acquire different skills in accordance with the real educational needs of our time. Discover and enhance your potentials and learn how to change yourself and change the world.

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Continuously and tirelessly we give you a hand on your way to self-realization and wings in moments when you do not dare to make a break and initiate changes.

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Business support

Through mentoring support, motivation, professional and financial support, we help you to make first entrepreneurial steps and enable you to realize your business dreams.

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Youth & kids programs

We develop awareness of their own values and potentials in younger generations, and we encourage them to be part of positive changes in their environment.

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Sport & recreation

We encourage the development of healthy lifestyle habits and motivate you to take continuous care of your body's health and functionality, increase of mobility and proper nutrition.

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Activism & cooperation

We open the door to dialogue, always ready to observe different perceptions and perspectives. We build partnerships with various social actors and bring closer different attitudes.

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Anela Šemić

stručna saradnica u Nahlinoj poslovnoj zajednici

Za mene je velika inspiracija gledati proces promjene kod žena koje nisu ni bile svjesne svoje vrijednosti i kako taj proces nakon našeg osnaživanja i rada s njima rezultira nastankom novih biznisa ili zapošljavanjem u respektabilnim kompanijama. Sretna sam što, kroz Nahlinu poslovnu zajednicu, imam priliku biti podrška ženama koje su se odvažile napraviti ključni korak ka boljem životu.

+ 387 33 710-650 (lokal 108)


Emina Lakić

marketing asistentica

Nahla me svaki put opet i iznova inspiriše i pokreće da učim nove stvari, istražujem, oblikujem svoje mišljenje, formiram vrednosti, pomeram svoje granice i rastem i razvijam se zajedno sa njom. Nahlin koncept sveobuhvatnog i individualnog pristupa svakome, od onih koji rade pa do onih koji dolaze na njene programe, pravi fuziju pozitivne promene u pojedincu i u društvu.

+ 387 33 710-650 (lokal 105)


Amina Šljivo Bećić

koordinatorica projekata za mlade

Smatram da ne možemo očekivati adekvatne promjene ako iz procesa isključimo 50% stanovništva kojeg čine žene, niti promjene možemo očekivati ako uključene žene nisu osnažene i svjesne svojih potencijala. A jednu zajednicu možemo osnažiti tek ako se posvetimo svakome pojedinačno, ljudski i predano, vjerujući u snagu koju posjeduje i kojom će mijenjati sve oko sebe.

+ 387 33 710-650 (lokal 107)


Meliha Mastalić-Prazina


Motivaciju za rad mi daje izuzetna radna sredina, vrijedni tim s kojim radim i činjenica da sa svakim novim danom, kvalitetnim pristupom, kroz obrazovanje žene, doprinosimo boljem i uspješnijem bh. društvu.

+ 387 33 710-650 (lokal 104)


Enisa Smajlović

službenica na info desku

Rad s ljudima je nešto što me svakodnevno inspiriše i obogaćuje. Dobrom komunikacijom i razumijevanjem, uz posvećenost, dosljednost i ljubav prema poslu koji radim nastojim biti na usluzi svima koji otvore vrata Nahle. Biti dio tima čiji je zajednički cilj podstaći ženu da vjeruje u sebe i da iskoristi svoje potencijale kako bi se izborila za mjesto koje zaslužuje u porodici i društvu zaista me čini sretnom.

+ 387 33 710-650


Adela Kršo

administrativna asistentica

+ 387 33 710-650 (lokal 108)


Jasmina Gobeljić Dedić

Jasmina Gobeljić Dedić

Executive director

+387 35 205 699

Amra Mustafić Kadić

Amra Mustafić Kadić

Education Coordinator

+387 035 205 699

Mirela Kuljanin

Mirela Kuljanin

Head of Education Department

+387 035 205 699

Amina Bašić

Amina Bašić

Associate in Nahla's Business community

+387 035 205 699

Sumeja Mehmedović

Sumeja Mehmedović

Youth Programs Coordinator

+387 035 205 699

Berina Pezerović

Berina Pezerović

Head of Nahla's Fitness Center

Razija Balkić

Razija Balkić

Cleaning and maintenance worker


Educational center “Nahla” Tuzla, through various projects, has collaborated with the following institutions, organizations and companies:


Short narrative annual reports provide all our stakeholders with an annual overview of the realized activities and insight into the work and activities of CEI Nahla at different levels.